Dental Implants
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Essentially, a dental implant is a titanium anchor which replaces a missing tooth. The dental implant is the anchor point into the bone under the gum. A crown is the “tooth” that gets created and inserted onto this anchor point after 3 months of healing.


Single Dental Implants

At Perio Focus, we specialize in Immediate Tooth Restoration. This is a complex procedure which involves 3 steps.

  1. Removal of the tooth
  2. Insertion of the dental implant
  3. Attachment of a temporary crown

This advanced technique allows you to immediately replace your tooth and not use a temporary tooth like a denture during the healing period. After 3 months, this temporary crown is replaced with a permanent crown. The advantage of this procedure is two fold; you don’t have to worry about losing your temporary tooth and the shape of you gum tissues are retained in its natural form.

Multiple Dental Implants

Multiple missing teeth require multiple implants to replace them. Not every tooth needs to be replaced with an implant. If you have 2 missing teeth, you can utilise 1 implant to retain 2 crowns. If you have 3 missing teeth, you can utilise 2 implants to retain 3 crowns (also known as a bridge).

Full Arch Implants
(also known as full jaw implants or same day teeth)


When you need to replace more than 6 teeth, a full arch (full jaw) approach can be utilised. This involves removing the remaining teeth if they have little strategic value and placing 4 to 6 implants immediately. With that many implants a bridge covering the entire jaw can be attached and the timeline for this can range from the same day (hence the term same day teeth) to 1 week. The advantage of this technique minimises the delay where the patient is without teeth. Naturally not all patients will be suitable for this so it is important that your have a complete assessment and analysis before embarking on this option.

Denture Stabilisation

If you have been wearing a denture for years and need more stability as you get older, then implant overdentures is the ideal option for you. This is where we insert 2 single dental implants into the lower jaw and attach your existing denture to these anchor points. This improves stability of your denture and reduces the movement during eating and speech.

Implant Complications

With older implants, they may get infected which will cause swelling, bleeding and shrinking of the gum and bone support around the implants. These infections can be managed and in the worst case scenario, removed to start again. These procedures are commonly utilised within the practice as part of our philosophy to maintain your smile.



Our philosophy is to be completely transparent about our fees and therefore at the point of your consultation, you will be presented with a treatment plan outlining the fees for your procedure. As every patient is different, fees will vary between patients and therefore it is difficult to give you a “quote over the phone”.


As a guide, the fees for dental implant surgery in Perth will range from $2000 to $4000.


Full arch implant surgery including teeth will vary from $20,000 up to $50,000, depending on complexity and quality of teeth you select.


Fees are important to consider but it is important to not compromise on the quality of your care and outcome to save on costs. As a matter of priority, it is recommended that you find the right clinician to look after your needs and manage any potential complications