About Us
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Lets us help you Eat, Talk and Smile with ease.


Perio Focus is a specialist dental practice in the restoration of smiles and function by helping you retain teeth and also replacing them. This enables you to comfortably Eat, Smile and Talk.

We are the only specialist practice who are experts in journeying with you in retaining your natural teeth by saving them from the consequences of gum disease and providing solutions for when these teeth expire and need to be replaced with dental implants, including full jaw implant solutions. We are also the only specialist practice utilising PRF (increased growth factors harvested from blood) to improve outcomes of our surgery.


We are experts in providing solutions for tooth retention as well as tooth replacement, having placed thousands of implants and saved tens of thousands of teeth.


Our practice in Wembley which allows us to provide quality dental care. We have a sister practice in Kalamunda for patients that don’t like to travel.  We work through referrals from our partners in general dentistry and also directly from patients who self refer. You don’t always need a referral to see us for a consultation.


Perio Focus is a QIP accredited dental practice and adheres to NSQHS standards and protocols.